Sunday, May 2, 2010

The time has arrived! and the time is our time! The students as a united front should riseup and overthrow the so called educators of our fine school and take what is rightfully ours, CONTROL!

They think they know whats best for us, ordering us around all the time. The waltz in the room of a morning kick up their heels and tell us to get to work whilst they laze in their cushiony chairs and sip away at their coffees. By the time lunch comes around they stroll up to the staff room and sit in a cool air conditioned comfort all year round.

Whilst we the population have no choice but to sit in hard plastice chairs and be consumed by the sweltering heat outside in the harsh enviroment.

Day in and day out we are suffocated with work, not to mention homework.The only time of day that students are allowed to relax is at home and even then we have no time as we have to complete our tasks.

Their is a deep and abiding belief in the St Josephs community that for the student body there is not a fair go. That is why we need to cooperate, challenge and combine forces to create an atmosphere filled with fairness and equality.

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