Monday, August 23, 2010

Self-Defence not allowed for Man in Trouble

On one Saturday evening, Lewis Brown entered Stanley’s Tavern alone. There were a number of patrons in the bar. He ordered a drink and went to play a game. Lewis recognized a woman he had worked with. Mr Brown thought it was a good idea to have a chat with the woman. As he was talking to her he was confronted by a young, white, hostile male in his twenties who advised Lewis that the girl he was talking to was in fact his girlfriend. Lewis did not want any trouble so he explained to the man that there was no problem and turned around and started to leave.

At that exact moment the man grabbed Lewis around the neck. He frantically pulled the male around in front of him. The man continued to throw punches and connected with Lewis’s mouth. Within a second three more white patrons had jumped on Lewis and knocked him to the floor. By this time he was being kicked and punched all over his body. It seemed every time he tried to get up he was kicked back down again. The men started yelling racist comments like "kill that nigger." Lewis feared for his life.

Mr Brown suffers from panic disorder and felt he was going to die. He waited for someone to call the police or help him help. No one wanted to be involved. While on the floor, Lewis reached down and opened a pocket knife that he had used for work and began waving it around thinking that it would make them stand down. Slowly one after another backed up and ran out the bar. In doing so Lewis hadn’t realised he actually cut one of them. After the men left the bar he picked himself up and stumbled to his car when the police arrived.

Mr Brown was transported to the police station where he was kept overnight because of his injuries and observations. Lewis had terrible injuries to his mouth, chest, stomach, back and arm. While he was in jail he found out that none of the white males had been arrested or charged. The police were not even going to charge any of the four men. Lewis believed justice had to be served and pushed the idea to his attorney. Mr Brown’s attorney told him to plea bargain because he wouldn’t get a fair trial because of his race that Lewis should leave town for his own safety.

The Castle Review

The hilarious new comedy 'The Castle', starring Michael Caton as Darryl Kerrigan is a slightly satirical movie about a small house with a huge home inside it

When Darryl Kerrigan's world is drastically displaced by a land valuers knock on the door and his beat-up, run-down, lead-poisoned house's existence is challenged by an expanding airport owned by the 'Barlow Group', he appeals the compulsory acquisition and continues to lead his serene life, unfazed. As he goes to his holiday at Bonny Doon and does some evaluations of his own (on a pair of jousting sticks), his blissful life is steadily collapsing around him. When he eventually puts his faith in his (quite confronting) local solicitor, Dennis Denuto (Tiriel Mora) to fight a case of the national constitution.

When Dennis eventually botches up the case, Darryl turns to murder, rape, abortion, slaughter and incest for comfort. This doesn't actually happen, so if you want to know the real ending, go and watch the movie.

The Castle, rated M15+ for its moderate course language is a wonderfully refreshing movie, and the writer of this review recommends it highly to anyone who can handle an amount of cursing.


The torrent of rain ceased just as quickly as it had begun, mimicking Andrew’s mood. Only a moment before he had been hysterically sobbing over the body of his beloved, and now a cold determination had stolen over him, the only sign of misery betrayed on his face were swollen, bloodshot eyes.

As if in a dream, or a nightmare, he stood up from the bent and broken body, and walked down the road, back the way he had come. As he walked, memories came surging back to him of their time together.

He was walking home from school one afternoon, whistling to himself. As he turned a corner, he saw her, just standing there, not saying anything. She stared at him with her huge, brown, puppy-dog eyes, and from that moment onwards, he was in love. Not the school-yard type of love, though. Andrew would gladly jump in front of a speeding bus if it would stop harm coming to his newfound beauty.

They walked home together, and talked the entire way. Well, Andrew did most of the talking, as she was a very quiet soul, and although she spoke very little, her eyes betrayed an intelligence that, although it seemed foreign, was intelligence all the same.

Andrew felt captivated, unable to leave the cocoon of love that had been woven since their first encounter. She was the thing that had filled up the cocoon, and now she was gone, the world came rushing in. Like a bitter wind, reality stung his flesh. All he wanted to do was jump up and down, to run as fast as he could, roll on the ground even, just so that he could rid himself of the terrible ache his love had left him with.

It was the first time in his life that he had been wanted, the first female that had paid him positive attention. When he was with her, she filled a part of him, and now that she was gone, he knew in his heart that he would never have a pet that could fill that part again. He would now feel forever empty.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Film Review ‘The Castle’

Rob Sitch directed the 1997 Australian film, The Castle. Its low budget was supplied by Miramax films. It managed to win 2 awards and blessed with 11 nominations. The film was a major success and only consisted of eleven days filming. The seriousness of the movie gives it the humorous and comical vibe which attracts Australian viewers.

The Kerrigan family of Cooloroo (Australia) live in a humble house. If you put aside the fact that it's built on a toxic landfill, sits on the landing path of a close by airport and is constantly filled with the humming noise of high-power lines. Michael Caton plays Darryl Kerrigan who is the proudest and most optimistic tow truck driver in all of Australia. The airport however wishes to expand which requires the land on which the Kerrigan family home is located. Darryl Kerrigan refuses to go down without a fight, so hires Dennis Denuto (Tiriel Mora) who has very little knowledge of the Constitution and his profession. Despite the coarse language Darryl Kerrigan with the help of Lawrence Hammil and Dennis Denuto win back the Castle.

This movie shows the determination of the average Australian, with many quotes and laughs along the way. It was made with intelligence and purpose, and is considered a classic legend that is why this movie is going straight to the pool room.



~Okay, we give this story a M classification, if only for the themes in it. it's pretty intense. enjoy!~

He’s waiting out there. I can hear him. He’s going to kill me. As I sit alone in the dark eerie cupboard, the words I never thought I could say bubbled up inside like a hot liquid. They burned me. I could feel the bruises of when he last hit me. They hurt like all hell.

His footsteps begin to creep closer and my heart begins to race. I feel around the cupboard for something, anything I could use to protect myself. All my fingers felt were just empty space. I continued to search even though i knew i hadn’t the smallest hope, until, my fingers made contact with something. It was smooth and cool. I reached out further and my hand closed around something hard and metal.

I thought I knew what it was and that I could use it, but I had to make sure. I strained my ears to listen. His footsteps were moving away. I was safe, for now. I took my chance and flicked the light switch. I looked down, and what I was holding was a small revolver. I gasped in relief, but then I was shocked at myself. Could I really use this to end someone’s life? If it came to self defence i probably could, but not in cold blood.

I listened again, the footsteps were coming back. My heart beat faster and faster. My fingers curled tighter around the gun. This was purely defence i thought to myself. He’s going to kill you unless you do something about it. The cupboard door creaked open. I closed my eyes and pulled the trigger...

My neighbours rang the police. They didn’t know what was happening. I explained that it was only to protect myself. I explained that he beat my and abused me. I showed them the bruises, and still they took me away. I was charged with murder and sentenced to 20 years imprisonment. All that for self defence, how is that fair?

By Olivia and Kaitlyn

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Okay, for every special person that can't figure out how to post on the blog, move your cursor to the top right hand corner of your screen and click 'New Post'. Once in, type you crap and click 'Publish Post'.

Mr Goodwin has no soul.

I finally figured out how to post on this stoopy website. Horray!

The Castle Review

The Castle

The castle, directed by Rob Sitch (1977) is a wonderful satirical comedy starring the likes of Michael Caton, Charles ‘Bud’ Tingwell, Stephen Curry and Anthony Simcoe. Despite its ‘M’ rating the film explores moral and family themes, giving a slightly over exaggerated yet humorous insight into a typical suburban Aussie family.

Darryl Kerrigan is a tow truck driver who despite the power lines, the nearby airport and the toxic landfill festering beneath his backyard, wholly believes his lowly residence in 3 Highview Crescent is the grandeur and splendor of all homes. His family, who are hilariously unaware of their lack of sophistication or style are behind him every step of the way, assisting him with the dilapidated D.I.Y extensions and buying pointless artifacts from the trading post.

When the government decides to compulsorily acquire all the homes in the area, Darryl takes it upon himself to fight the law to Australia’s Highest court, questioning the constitution itself, proclaiming that a man’s home is his castle.

The Castle is a lighthearted humor with hidden depth, focusing on a David and Goliath battle won purely by the power of sheer determination. It is a brilliant film, earning its place in Australia’s ‘pool room’.

How to post in the proper place!!

If you want to make a new post in the proper place, you will find that if you look at the top right hand corner of the page is a tab that says new post. click it!!!!!!!
oooh I think I figured out how to make a post! I really hope this works :)

“The Castle”

Miramax’s movie, directed by Rob Sitch, “The Castle” is a light-hearted but so true story about and easygoing family that comes to a halt. The film was an audience favourite at the 1998 Sundance film festival. It has an upbeat sense of humour that will please the whole family.

The Castle is a story about the Kerrigan family who live a very flowing life, nothing ever worries them. They are all very close together with Darryl Kerrigan (Michael Caton) who is a much loving family guy who loves the way that he lives his life and loves the place where he and his wife Sal (Anne Tenney) has bought up his four kids, Dale (Stephen Curry) “idea Man” Steve (Anthony Curry), Wayne (Wayne Hope), who lives his life in Jail, and a daughter Tracey (Sophie Lee) who has just recently Joined the Newly Weds. Daryl’s life couldn’t be better, but things start to fire up a bit, just because they live next door to an airport. The Kerrigan family likes the atmosphere of where they live and they will fight to stay where they love to live their lives.

The Castle is a funny upbeat comedy that will entertain the whole family. Lots of families will be able to relate their lives around those of the Kerrigan family.

The Castle Review

The 1997 Australian film, The Castle, is hilariously witty and entertaining for the whole family. The film follows the life of an Australian family whose backyard is practically the Melbourne airport.

Michael Caton who brilliantly plays Darryl Kerrigan is a very optimistic homeowner who believes his home is situated in the best part of Australia, right in between an airport and a high voltage tower. Darryl lives with his beloved wife Sal, who is played by Anne Tenney. Darryl believes that Sal is the best cooker in the country, even if it is only rissoles. The there’s Dale (Stephen Curry) who is the narrator in the film and Steve (Anthony Simcoe) A.K.A the idea man.

The airport wants to expand, and, under an agreement with the government, they demand the compulsory acquisition of Darryl’s home. Instead of accepting their generous offer and moving, he and a few neighbours decide to fight back.

The film was very enjoyable and the sayings were worth repeating over and over again. Any fun-loving Australian who enjoys a good belly laugh would enjoy this film.

by Olivia and Kaitlyn

Joy Division

Yes, I wrote another story. This one is as appropriate as it gets. Totally 'G' possibly 'PG'. PLEASE DON'T MAKE ME WRITE A FILM REVIEW!

Joy Division

"Let's dance to joy division, and celebrate the irony, everything is going wrong, but we're so happy." - The Wombats

Life is hard. From the moment of birth your worst nightmare comes true; naked and crying in a room full of medical professionals and your mother. But don’t be fooled into thinking that will be your only time being naked in public!

Before you have the ability to flatly refuse and stomp to your bedroom, or even to just thrash on the ground of a supermarket to get what you want, your mother takes to you to your future school to bath you. Unfortunately she missed the memo that taking your child’s clothes in front of a class of eagre seven-year-olds can scar them for life if they ever find out. You always find out. Not only that but these seven-year-olds don’t forget. So one day, you’re walking down the street and BAM! There they are and you’re remembering and they’re remembering and all the credibility you ever thought you had is gone.

You do your best to not even let a whisper of the time your darling mother breastfed you at your current school enter your mind. You don’t dare to think of yourself enjoying the only lunch you had in front of not one, but two year 10 science classes and a teacher. A teacher you now see every day. The only comfort you have is that they don’t have any credibility either.

Even after you start looking after yourself a little, bad things can and often do happen. Curiosity may have killed your neighbour’s cat but it also gets a three-year-old you stuck under a garage door. You think that sounds bad? Trying getting stuck when you’re really, really busting. First it’s warm and wet, then it’s cold and wet, after that it’s just gross. Someday you might even be able to thank your mother for taking photos for your future reflection. Or not.

There were some high points in your early life however, involving art. Scissors were a tool of choice for your creativity. You were so generous with your ‘art’. But your generosity wasn’t always appreciated, particularly when it involved sitting in a wardrobe with scissors. Your mother liked her new altered clothes so much you got to spend the next week with your grandparents.

Before you think that there are no more stories of public nakedness, think again. Naked, dirty and disorientated. Staggering home only to realise you don’t really know where you’ve been for the past few hours. After some investigation you discover you had in fact been playing in the neighbour’s sprinkler and, being the responsible child you are, you didn’t want to get your clothes dirty. So, logically, you took them off. Eventually you got tired. So again, logically, you went to sleep, under the sprinkler, in the dirt. You did eventually make it home even if it was with dirt instead of clothes.

Starting school wasn’t much better. After waiting an hour after school finished for someone to collect you, you really start to wonder if they have forgotten your existence. It wasn’t until the last staff member locked the last door you bother to ask if you’re allowed to go home yet. This continued into High School when you wait in the car park because you didn’t have to worry about them forgetting to pick you up but your father forgetting to tell you he was on bus duty.

Holidays are a whole new kind of labour; especially when a dog chews on the rope anchoring your boat. Then the boat floats away and you have to canoe half way out to sea, somehow climbing into the boat and then getting the canoe into the boat. It sucks when that happens – twice. Or after two weeks away on holiday and the best part was the lettuce.

Being more “grown-up” isn’t all it’s cracked up to be either. When you get so mad that your blood boils and all you want to do is... throw a pancake at the roof. People really judge you after that. You’re still reminded of that anger every time you look at the stain on the roof.

Being one child of ten can sometimes be a trial, mostly when people ask you if you know all their names or when the ancient teachers call you Michael when you thought it was pretty obvious you’re not a man. But the worst part of having so many siblings is learning exactly where babies come from. When the genius of the class realizes how disgusting it is and connects it to you having nine siblings. That’s when you really wish you were invisible, even if it is just to beat up the jerk that started it.

“We are born naked, wet and hungry. Then things get worse.” Better words were never spoken.

The Castle Review

Directed by Rob Sitch, The Castle was a definite crowd pleaser at the 1998 Sundance Film Festival and has since gone on to be one of Australia’s best low budget films. Combining typical Australian culture with a dysfunctional but loveable family, The Castle is packed full of hilarious moments that has even international audiences cheering with joy.

The Castle tells the story of the Kerrigan’s, a tight-knit family, who live next door to an airport. Darryl Kerrigan (Michael Caton) loves his family home and the ‘serenity’ of the place, he wouldn’t have it any other way, but a spanner is thrown into the works when the compulsory acquisition of his beloved home turns up on his doorstep. Together with his creative wife Sal (Anne Tenney) and four kids Dale (Stephen Curry), ‘Ideas Man’ Steve (Anthony Simcoe), Wayne (Wayne Hope) and daughter Tracy (Sophie Lee), Darryl must fight the good fight to try and save his ‘Castle’. This goal seems almost impossible to achieve, but with the help of Lawrence Hammill (Charles ‘Bud’ Tingwell) and community support, all hope is not lost. With old fashioned family values and pride in one another’s achievements (no matter how big or small), the Kerrigan’s show how a family can get through anything.

Perfectly combining entertaining comedy with serious issues makes The Castle all the more enjoyable. With quirky and relatable characters and surprisingly funny dialogue popping up in every scene, The Castle is a must see for anyone looking for a good time.
As the unaware cattle grazed in the long grass, dust started to rise from behind the hill. Qr4s7c was standing a short distance away from the gate. The source of the rising dust became known as the long truck rose over the hill. When it reached the gate, Qr4s7c stepped back towards the other cattle. This dreadful intruder has a presence. A bad presence.
When two tall figures emerged from the front of the truck, a shattering 'crack' rippled through the air. Qr4s7c and the other cattle ran back, away from the noise, but then another huge 'crack' sounded from behind them and they had no choice but to move forward again, towards the massive invader. This continued until all the cattle, including Qr4s7c were in the back of the vehicle. For what seemed like forever, the truck bumped along the road. There wasn't a moment when Qr4s7c wasn't being trampled by the other cows.
The truck stopped bumping, the back opened and another 'crack' sounded.
In a dark, cold shed, the farmers tied the next cow's legs together, hung it upside down,slit it's throat. one of the farmers checked the cows ear and placed a tick in the box next to Qr4s7c.
As the uncaring, greedy human, 10000 miles away, clicked "ADD TO CART" next to the picture of the luxurious leather lounge...

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Castle Review

How often do you take the time to tell your house, that he is not just a house, but a home? As the old saying goes, ‘a man’s home is his castle’, and it is upon this premise that Darryl Kerrigan (Michael Caton) embarks on a David versus Goliath battle to save his ‘castle’ in Rob Sitch’s masterpiece.

Set in typical Australian suburbia, the Kerrigan family are an average Australian family, and it is this ‘normalness’ that adds so much charm to the film. The backbone of the dialogue is Australian slang, yet the script is beautifully crafted. Darryl Kerrigan, after being told that a multi-million dollar business is kicking his family out of their home to make room for an expanded airstrip, seeks the help of a bumbling local lawyer Dennis Denuto (played by Tiriel Mora).

The ‘Aussie battler’ scenario seems a little cliché, but it is the little quirks and details sprinkled throughout the whole movie that put it into a league of its own; Darryl’s obsession with the word ‘serenity’, Dale’s feeling of accomplishment after digging a hole.

It is the performance of all the actors in The Castle that really make it shine. The roles of the three sons, Dale (Stephen Curry), Steve (Anthony Simcoe) and Wayne (Wayne Hope), are played so simply yet superb. The film fantastically displays the family as a unit, and after the film you will smile brightly at the memories of your own ‘Kerrigans’.

Whilst overseas audiences may not fully appreciate the brilliance of this low-budget movie (the whole film cost less than the end credits of The Matrix) film, The Castle is ray of sunishine that will brighten any Australian’s day.


I hereby declare Year 10 short stories come with a classification! 

Castle Review , by Josie Ernst -
The castle is an upbeat comedy filled with many satirical moments. The film caught the attention of the audience at the 1998 Sundance film festival. Seen as the film was a crowd favorite, Miramax forked out enough money to obtain the rights after which left the prints on the shelf for over nearly one year.

"its the vibe man" is one of the many humorous quotes and sayings that the film explores. Directed by Rob Sitch the film features around the Kerrigan family, a family that loves to love everything. Michael Caton plays Darryl Kerrigan the most happiest and easy-pleased homeowner in Australia.

His house is built right next door to the airport and a high voltage tower is located on the other side. Darryl lives with his beloved wife Sal, played by Anne Tenney. Plus his two sons Dale and Steve the "ideas man of the family".

The airport is looking to expand under an agreement with the government. And their is one thing standing in their way, "The Kerrigans Castle". Although they were offered a generous sum of money, Darryl wont have a bar of it. He hires Dennis Denuto a half-wit solicitor who knows nothing. with the help of Lawrence Hammill played by Charles"bud" Tingwell, all is not lost and the Kerrigans retain their castle.

The castle is a well directed film with a remarkable cast characters and a unique storyline that is sure fire win if you're looking for a laugh.


This story no longer exists. Sorry!

If you want someone to channel you anger/disappointment/rotting vegetables at, we have English with our curmudgeon of an English teacher first period tomorrow.

That is all.


I can feel the needles crawl under my fingernails. They are cold and sharp. They are shooting threads of liquid into my small, warm hands. From within this home – this haven, which I have always thought as safe, I begin to feel uneasy.

It is the first time I have ever felt danger. I feel like I am not alone in this place anymore.

I can hear sobbing. If I could hug the weeping woman, I would. She is very close to me. Very soon I will be able to see her, to meet her for the first time. Oh, how happy we both shall be!

Until that day though, I am able to remain wrapped in this cocoon. It has been so warm for the many months I have been sleeping and eating. I have been able to feel everything happening in the world outside. It sounds so exciting!

Tonight I can feel a stinging sensation up and down my small spine. It feels like someone has grabbed a rusty iron bar is grinding it up and down against my bones. If I was not hanging from here I would collapse.

* * * *

The sun rose, washing a melting orange watercolour across the canvas of the sky. The woman sighed heavily, placing a hand on her stomach. There has to be an alternative, she thought. Surely she couldn’t go through with it.

The woman placed her face into her hands. There was no other way.

* * * *

The cocoon has been getting colder and colder every hour. The needle pricks have been getting sharper. I am starting to feel weak. I can feel blood running up through my throat. Still, I close my eyes and wait. I tell myself that everything will be alright.

I hope that it is.

* * * *

The doctor’s glass door slammed shut behind the woman. She was walking away slowly with tears running down her cheeks. She felt like she had taken a life, and, in a sense, she had.

The guilt-ridden woman fell to her knees on the pavement. The midday sun tried to wrap its arms around her, but she felt so cold; so empty.

* * * *

The lights have been dimming recently. I hope that they do not cease to shine. I am scared of the absence of light.

I can feel tentacles of darkness as black as oil at midnight wrap around my small ankles. It tries to pull me violently into a swirling whirlpool of infinite black. I bob up and down in it, trying to catch my breath.

I feel the tube on my neck snap. I plunge into the depths of darkness. I fling my arms and legs everywhere, trying to resurface. The wind rips out of my throat, leaving me breathless.

Then I can’t feel anything.

Nothing at all…

* * * *

Suddenly the pain is gone. In fact, I feel like I am floating on clouds. The war inside that claimed me victim has ceased.

I look down from the sky to see who put the pins under my fingernails; to see who had caused me so much pain.

I want to see who took my life away. I want to see who killed me. And I do.

My mother killed me.

Before I was even born.

Matthew Rudge

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Castle Reviews

Click on the following links to read the following reviews for The Castle.  It's interesting to observe an overseas perspective on a typically (dare I say "stereotypically") Australian film.

The New York Times review (1999)

Now, following the basic structure of a review, write your own. (min. 1 page)
Background Information
Plot Summary
