The hilarious new comedy 'The Castle', starring Michael Caton as Darryl Kerrigan is a slightly satirical movie about a small house with a huge home inside it
When Darryl Kerrigan's world is drastically displaced by a land valuers knock on the door and his beat-up, run-down, lead-poisoned house's existence is challenged by an expanding airport owned by the 'Barlow Group', he appeals the compulsory acquisition and continues to lead his serene life, unfazed. As he goes to his holiday at Bonny Doon and does some evaluations of his own (on a pair of jousting sticks), his blissful life is steadily collapsing around him. When he eventually puts his faith in his (quite confronting) local solicitor, Dennis Denuto (Tiriel Mora) to fight a case of the national constitution.
When Dennis eventually botches up the case, Darryl turns to murder, rape, abortion, slaughter and incest for comfort. This doesn't actually happen, so if you want to know the real ending, go and watch the movie.
The Castle, rated M15+ for its moderate course language is a wonderfully refreshing movie, and the writer of this review recommends it highly to anyone who can handle an amount of cursing.
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